Non-Invasive Radio Frequency for Skin Tightening

Radio Frequency is a non-invasive treatment which uses radio waves directed through a probe head which is rested onto the skin. The radio waves are directed at the skin to produce a heating effect. Radio Frequency Treatment has been used for many decades for a variety of medical applications.

Skin Tightening targets the deeper layers of skin, heating them up. This creates stimulation of the skin and in particular, the collagen, a substance which gives elasticity to the skin. This causes water molecules in the deeper layers of skin to vibrate. This creates friction which causes the heating effect. When heat is applied to collagen fibres, they shrink and tighten up, and over time following the treatment, new collagen also forms. Whilst the deeper skin layers are being heated, the therapist will cool down the top layers of skin using a cooling gel.

The treatment can be used on any part of the body to tighten any loose and sagging skin. It is also suitable for any age group. After treatment the skin contours more to the body as it has tightened up and it will also become rejuvenated, being younger and fresher in appearance. It is effectively used on areas of the face and neck, the breasts and tummy, and upper arms and thighs. But it can be used on any part of the body that requires the skin to be firmed.

It is the safest and most risk free treatment for the body because the ageing process sees a reduction in the amount of fat, particularly on abdomen, inner arms, buttocks and legs. Instead of plumping out the tissues (the outcome of filler treatments), it simply aims to tighten up the sagging skin.

A Course of Treatments

For optimal results it is important that 4 to 6 treatments are delivered on a weekly basis this is recommended for most clients depending on their desired results and treatment area.

It is important to understand that results take time. They can be seen in as little as 4 weeks, and these time frames may vary considerably depending on each individual.

Results are effected by a number of factors, diet and exercise play an important part in the health and well being of a patient and in the maintenance of their body shape. Results will also vary purely based on the general make up of each patient, family history and skin type.

A number of areas can be treated including:

  • Abdomen
  • Inner thighs
  • Outer Thighs
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Inner Arms

This treatment can be coupled with cryolipolysis (fat freezing), Ultra Therapy (HIFU), High Frequency Vacuum and cavitation to get the best complete results. We call this our 4D Lipo Med.


Deluxe Skin offers a price guarantee on all of our treatment ranges. If you are able to find a treatment that we offer cheaper anywhere in Copenhagen we will match the price.


Summary of Your Treatment

Procedure Time


Back To Work




Full Recovery

Immediately estimated*

Sensitivity Period

48 hours estimated*

Duration Of Results

Long Term Results*

Risks & Complications

Redness, irritation, itchiness, swelling


Non-obligatory consultation

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Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Overview

The effects of radio frequency treatments are mostly attributable to the heat that is generated by the RF waves. In the field of skin care and ant-ageing treatments, RF waves are most commonly used for facial rejuvenation and their believed ability to stimulate the protein fibers that keep the skin elastic. During treatment, the RF waves penetrate the skin to tighten it from the inside out, as they stimulate collagen fibroblast production, which will trigger the production of fresh collagen fibres which result in tighter, more taught skin which is demonstrably younger.

What to Expect During an RF Skin Tightening Treatment?

Our practitioners will require you wash your face with a mild soap and warm water before you arrive for your treatment, as it is important that no excess oils or cosmetics remain on the skin that might reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. When treatment begins, a numbing cream may be applied to the skin and then allowed to sit until it takes effect. It will then be removed, and the skin care specialist will target the treatment area with an ink grid transfer so that the treatment is focused and that no other skin is accidentally affected.

A gliding gel will then be applied to the skin before the RF waves are delivered to the skin. Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, you may feel a heated sensation during treatment, but the side effects of the treatment are believed to be minimal for most patients. When the treatment is over, our practitioner will apply a topical cooling gel to the treated area to minimize discomfort.

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Side Effects

You may experience some redness and swelling in the treated area after a radio frequency skin tightening procedure, but these symptoms should resolve themselves within 24-48 hours. Misting the face with cool water may help to reduce the irritation, although you should ensure that only clean, purified water is used for these purposes. Some patients have reported sinking of the skin in the treated area, but this has mostly occurred with intense RF treatments. In most cases, these treatments have a low instance of side effects and are considered a viable anti-ageing treatment for a wide array of skin types.

Who is it suitable for?

Anyone, male or female, who wishes to remove wrinkles and lines from the facial area. The radio frequency facial is suitable for all skin types.

How Many Treatments of Focused Fractional RF Are Recommended?

6 to 8 treatments delivered on a weekly basis is recommended for most clients depending on desired results and skin area.  It is important to book in for a complimentary consultation to get the correct assessment of the area you want to have treated.

What Results Can I Expect from RF Treatment?

Results are often immediate; however, a course of treatments are recommended as results improve after each treatment.

What Will I Experience from This Treatment?

RF is a relaxing treatment with little or no discomfort.  Glycerine will be applied to the skin which acts as a conductor for the RF energy.  A hand piece will be placed onto the skin and moved in circular motions.  Our machinery will emit a slight beeping noise as the hand piece gets warmer, building slowly until it reaches 40 degrees. Periodically your therapist will use an infrared thermometer to measure the heat of the skin.  Once the temperature has built to 40 degrees your therapist will continue to maintain the heat, continuing treatment on the area for 2 to 4 minutes.

Have more questions CLICK HERE to be diverted to our explore technology page where further information regarding our Radio Frequency Treatment can be obtained. Alternatively, contact us to speak to one of our trained practitioners.

Single Area (e.g. Abdomen)DKK 1,499
3 Treatments – Single AreaDKK 3,999
Double Area (e.g. love handle, inner thighs)DKK 1,999
3 Treatments – Double AreaDKK 4,999
Four Areas (e.g. Combination)DKK 2,499
3 Treatments – Four AreasDKK 6,499


Isabella Lyder (5*)

Body Sculpting – 28th November 2017

“Den sødeste personale og effektiv service!” – Facebook Verfied

Monika Prokop (5*)

Body Sculpting – 28th November 2017

“Great Salon with fantastic service. Quick, easy, very professional. Effective treatments and friendly consultation. Would recommend!!” – Facebook Verfied

Samiha Isarti (5*)

Body Sculpting – 4th December 2017

“Fantastisk service og god behandling…. meget tilfreds!” – Facebook Verfied

Clara Maria Larsen (5*)

Body Sculpting – 3rd January 2018

Min veninde har fået flere behandlinger hos Deluxe Skin og er super glad og tilfreds med både effekten af behandlingen og personalet” – Facebook Verfied

Viv Jankovic (5*)

Body Sculpting – 3rd January 2018

“Får altid svar på mine spørgsmål selvom de kan lyde negative, bare fordi jeg er utålmodig er meget glad for min behandling, kommer til med det samme – ingen ventetid det er bare super.” – Facebook Verified

Allan Thaarup (5*)

Body Sculpting – 26th January 2018

Den permanente hårfjerning virker upåklageligt”– Facebook Verfied

Any Questions for the Deluxe Skin Team?

If you are interested in any of our treatments please do not hesitate to get in touch with us below?